Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hawaii 2023 - Chain of Craters Road

Gallery (40 images): Hawaii 2023 - Chain of Craters Road

Our first major excursion while staying near Hilo, was to head west and then drive the Chain of Craters Road to the south part of the island, as far as one can go.

The first shot in the gallery was of our vrbo booked stay, the "Peace of Paradise" as it's known. There were three huts, all connected by wooden walkways and surrounded by jungle.  There was a living room hut, a bedroom/bathroom hut and a kitchen hut. Apart from some dogs barking from the relatively close-by neighbours (who we never saw or heard), it was peaceful and relaxing stay. The accommodations were unique and made the second part of our honeymoon special! The jungle sounds at night were amazing... and loud! At first I thought they'd be disturbing, but they were surprisingly unobtrusive while sleeping, even relaxing somehow I thought.

There were so many geckos too, including one that decided it liked walking all over our ceiling inside our bedroom hut. It was a game in the morning after waking up; who would be first to spot our little green gecko friend! There will be a cellphone image gallery coming as the last blog posting from the trip and it will have more photos of the huts.

The remainder of the gallery has photos from our Chain of Craters sightseeing drive and hike. I took many photos of waves crashing against the rugged lava rock coastline. Once again, there wasn't all that much sun, although it did peek out a few times, like for the above headline photo.

Read: All the blog postings from my 2023 Hawaii Trip

Hawaii 2023 - Five Days

Gallery (20 images): Hawaii 2023 - Five Days

This next gallery has images from our next five days in Hawaii... well six days actually, but I didn't take any photos on one day. I didn't have that many opportunities to take photos, but they were nice relaxing days. The first set of images in the linked gallery are from the "Feast and Fire Luau" at the Kona Outrigger Resort. Sadly, during the amazing fire dancing segment, which I recall was definitely worth seeing, they did not allow any photography at all, not even with cell phones. The famous fire dancing segment was one reason we decided to go to that particular luau, and I had been looking forward to taking photos. Oh well. What is interesting is that I hardly remember any details about the fire dance segment, but maybe it was because I was so irritated at not being allowed to take photos? Regardless, it was very enjoyable overall and the food was excellent!

The next set of images was from the Waipi'o Vallery Lookout on the north coast of the Big Island. My father made his way down the steep trail with his rollator (a rolling walker), and although I had intended to push him back up in it, since it converts to a transport chair, the big ridges and washouts on the trail made it pretty much impossible to push. I was anticipating a long arduous journey back up, when a big burly young native Hawaiian man generously offered to assist. Between him pulling the front of the rollator over the bumps and washouts, and me pushing from the behind, we made quick work of the trail back up again. We thanked him profusely for the help and he was super friendly - a typical Hawaiian! That was one of the reasons my mom loved it so much in Hawaii; the friendly and welcoming nature of native Hawaiians is wonderful.

The next few images were taken from the balcony while Emily and I were having a nice brunch at the Papa Kona restaurant. Originally, when we were contemplating getting married in Hawaii, Papa Kona's was one place we were seriously considering. Lastly, there are a few views from our stay at the Kona Bali Kai, and the last shot was after we had driven to the east coast of the island for the last part of our stay at the wonderful "Peace of Paradise" cabins, south of Hilo; a photo of one of the many cute little geckos that shared our stay in the jungle.

Read: All the blog postings from my 2023 Hawaii Trip